Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mata mata turtles

In Indian, the name mata mata turtle means "I kill". It also means "fringed turtle" in Latin. But, today we know it just as the mata mata turtle. The mata mata turtle may grow to be about seventeen and a half inches long. The females can weigh up to 27 pounds. Their noses have a tube extension that lets the animal breathe while remaining totally submerged. The mata mata turtle is often mistaken for rocks and sunken logs. Their brown, black, golden yellow, and orange shells give them this appearance. The adult turtles are usually brown or black. The new born turtles are usually golden yellow or orange. They are also mistaken for algae. Their unique skin texture gives them this look. Because the mata mata turtle looks almost identical to the alligator turtle, even some experienced scientists have gotten them mixed up. The geographic location of the mata mata turtle is mostly throughout northern South America, in such places as Brazil, Guianas, and Venezuela. This turtle lives in muddy and shallow ponds, lakes, and very slow-moving rivers. The mata mata turtle is not a very good swimmer, but they walk along the bottom of the water, sitting very still in the water. When they are in the water, they are very camouflaged by their color and shape.
Mata mata turtles eat a variety of fish and aquatic invertebrates. They can not chew their food. They use their appearance to get food. They capture their food by opening their mouths. When they do that, their throats expand which causes a big rush of water . Then their prey gets sucked into their mouths. Next the turtles' mouths drain the water out, and they swallow the prey whole. The mata mata turtle has rippling flaps on both sides of its neck that are thought to contain sensitive nerve endings.With these the turtle can detect prey even in murky waters.
The mata mata nesting takes place during October and December. They lay 12-28 eggs in river beaches or on high land near the banks of little creeks. The eggs are 3.5 centimeters each. The eggs incubate in 2-4 months at 28 degrees celcius. The hatchlings are about 3 inches long. There is no maternal behavior between turtles. The mata mata turtle can live up to 10 1/2 years in the wild. It does well in captivity, too. In the Brandywine Zoo there is one male mata mata turtle. These turtles are hard to find in the wild because of their habitat loss.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Semifreddo with orange

Ingredients for 4 people 2 orange 2 egg whites 1 pinch of cinnamon 2 tablespoons cane sugar 20 cl cream Taste Of Inspirations 1 teaspoon orange zest Preparation Wash the oranges. Cook them for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water with the lid on the pot. Drain and blend to a fine puree. Add the cream, sugar and cinnamon and mix. Beat the egg whites until firm snow and fold under the orange cream. Pour into a plastic container and place in the freezer for 4 hours. Mix the cream just before serving and spread on the glass. Garnish with orange zest. Serve with almond biscuits. Nutrition Per Serving Energy: 190 kcal Protein: 4 g Fat: 10.2 g Carbohydrates: 20.4 g

Monday, December 3, 2012

it s only happens ones in 2,737 years

Whether you believe something will happen in 2012 or not, is not important… What will happen in the night sky over Giza mimics the layout of the Pyramids at Giza! The fact is that the planetary alignment matches exactly layout of Pyramids at Giza on 12.3.12 and this will happen just 18 days before 12.21.12. … 6 plus 6 plus 6 = 18… Even the most ardent skeptics have to admit, that is one hell of a coincidence! Is it possible that Giza pyramids where built to honor (or warn about) specific time marked by the planetary convergence? Positions of planets can be used as a perfect clock (see the image at the top of this post). Such a clock can mark date in time (in the past and/or in the future) and can be read by intelligent beings regardless of their language and calendar they use… Also, it should be noted, that planetary convergence only happens every 2,737 years, and its different for at least 2 more cycles running the program forward… and doesn’t happen again for over 28,000 YEARS if you run that program backwards in time… The Dec 3, 2012 planetary alignment can be verified by anyone who can use astronomy program like Starry Night and superimpose night sky image of 3 planets on Dec 3, 2012 on the image of 3 pyramids at Giza.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to avoid bed bugs while traveling

If you are studying abroad, you will likely also do a lot of traveling to different cities and neighboring countries. With planning your excursions and studying for you classes, the last thing you may think about is keeping your bed free of bed bugs! However, with recent news about outbreaks of bed bugs, being prepared can help you avoid suffering from the torture of a bed bug infestation. Here are some things you can do to avoid bed bugs while traveling. Before you leave home and decide where you will be staying, look for reviews about your hotel or hostel. If someone encounters bed bugs, they will most likely leave a comment online. Remember the bed bugs can infest a place by being carried in inadvertently not necessary because a place is dirty, so a five star hotel can guarantee a bed bug free place anymore than a hostel. Once you have arrived, check your room for signs of infestation. Bed bugs are about 1-7 millimeters long, reddish brown, flattened oval shaped and wingless. When you are in the room, look around the bed area, check under the sheets, pillowcases bed frame and the headboard. Remember that they like to hide in any nooks and crannies located near their food source (you!). Even if you search, it is impossible to be 100% sure that there are no bed bugs. To reduce your chance of picking up these little critters even further, avoid putting your suitcase on the bed, or on any carpeted floor in your room. Instead, put your suitcase on a luggage stand or in the bathroom where there are fewer places for the bugs to hide. If you think there is an infestation, report it to the hotel staff and leave! Stay at another hotel if possible. If changing hotels is not an option, ask for another room as far away from the infested room as possible since the bugs can easily move between adjacent rooms. If you think you encountered bed bugs during your trip, don’t bring the problem back with you! Make sure to put your belonging into plastic bags so that the bugs can’t spread to other places. Wash and dry all your cloths using the highest temperatures to kill any bugs and have all other non-washable items treated. By taking these precautions to avoid bed bugs while traveling, you can help keep your dream trip from becoming a blood-sucking nightmare.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Derinkuyu: Underground City

Carved from the living rock, Derinkuyu is one of five inter-connected underground complexes with a total estimated capacity of 100,000 people. The historical region of Cappadocia where Derinkuyu is situated, contains several historical underground cities, carved out of a unique geological formation, many of which were largely re-used by early Christians as hiding places. Over 200 underground cities at least two levels deep have been discovered in the area between Kayseri and Nevsehir, with around 40 of those having at least three levels. The cities at Derinkuyu and Kaymaklı are two of the best examples of underground dwellings. The largest of the Cappadocia underground complexes is multi-storey (18 storeys, 85m deep), with fresh flowing water, ventilation shafts and individually separated living quarters or 'apartments', shops, communal rooms, wells, tombs, arsenals and escape routes. It has the potential to house up to 20,000 people. The complex was air conditioned throughout, with 52 air shafts discovered so far, one of which is 55m deep.. some wells were not connected with the surface, presumably in order to protect the dwellers from poisoning during raids. )

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Android 4.2: The latest rev of Android

Android 4.2: The latest rev of Android "Jelly Bean" is preloaded into the new Nexus devices. Among the new features in 4.2: Gestural typing a la Swype. Support for Miracast wireless displays, which allows video content to be broadcast to TVs that support this Wi-Fi based standard. Samsung's Galaxy S III and LG's Optimus G are two other phones that have Miracast support. Photo Sphere, a camera software app that allows automatic creation of 360-degree panoramas. Multiple users. A given device (such as the Nexus 10 tablet described below) can be set up to work with more than one user, and can be switched between them at the lock screen in much the same manner as a Windows desktop. Beam, which allows NFC-equipped Android smartphones to exchange data by simply being tapped back to back. Improvements for visually-impaired users. Various under-the-hood performance enhancements.